Outreach Ministries

Serving our local community is of utmost importance. Throughout the year, we participate in service projects that feed the members of our community physically and spiritually. From our Breakfast with Santa event to our Free Yard Sale, we give back to the citizens of Ocoee with gratitude for allowing us to be members of their neighborhood. We are driven to serve by one question:

If Ocoee Oaks UMC were to close tomorrow, would anyone in the community notice?



Youth Ministry

All middle and high school students (grades 6 -12) are welcome and encouraged to join our amazing youth group. You will enjoy great worship and Bible study, fellowship, and many service and mission opportunities. For our current schedule or more information, contact Pastor Don Thalmann at dthalmann@ocoeeoaks.org.



 Adult Small Groups

We offer two ongoing Adult bible studies on Sundays immediately following worship.

The Uniform Series is a 6-year plan for reading and studying the entire Bible.Designed to take students into every part of Scripture, the Uniform Series pulls at least one lesson from nearly every book of the Bible over the 6-year cycle, following eight specific themes. This more holistic study of the Bible helps students know the Bible's content, understand the Bible's message, and know the God of the Bible.

The Discovery Group is an ongoing class that has existed at Ocoee Oaks for many years. The purpose is simple: to bring class participants closer to Jesus Christ through open discussion with each other, prompted by a loosely structured Bible study. Study topics are usually based on rigorous direct Bible study supported by commentaries and member interaction. They may also include books and materials related to Bible time and places. Most important is the fellowship and sharing with other Christians. It is not unusual for discussion to move entirely to a recent sermon topic or feelings on the heart of a class member.

New in 2023, we are introducing short-term adult fellowship groups. These groups will meet four to eight times and will focus on a specific topic. The goal is to offer these groups three times per year.



 Stephen Ministry

"Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2 NRSV)

Ocoee Oaks has a committed group of Stephen Ministers who are trained to provide "high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting." Simply stated, Stephen Ministry is a "one-to-one lay caring ministry."¹

Stephen Ministers support the pastor by assisting in providing ongoing care to those in need. Our trained Stephen Leader, Debbie Vautier, works with our team of Stephen Ministers to help you navigate the often rough terrain of life. Let us hold your hand along life’s path.

There are several ways to reach us: You may check the “Request for a Stephen Minister” on the Connect Card during one of our worship services, or simply call our church office at 407–293–0700.
