Outreach Ministries
Serving our local community is of utmost importance. Throughout the year, we participate in service projects that feed the members of our community physically and spiritually. From our Breakfast with Santa event to our Free Yard Sale, we give back to the citizens of Ocoee with gratitude for allowing us to be members of their neighborhood. We are driven to serve by one question:
If Ocoee Oaks UMC were to close tomorrow, would anyone in the community notice?

Breakfast with Santa is an annual event where we serve others during the Christmas season.

We invite the community to join us for fun, fellowship, and breakfast. All activities are free of charge.

The event is always a highlight as it provides a special time for friends from our community to gather and share in the holiday spirit. There is even an opportunity to have pictures with Santa.

Free really does mean FREE!

Our yard sale brings people from all backgrounds and faiths together.

All kinds of items are available, and all are welcome to take what they need.

This event allows us to meet new friends, renew acquaintances, and serve the community.

Each year we provide shoes to elementary school kids and their siblings. This rewarding ministry has been an annual outreach opportunity for many years.

We receive a list of students in need, and members of the congregation select a student to shop for.

The shoes are wrapped and delivered to be given out before the Christmas break.

This group sews lap quilts for those in need of comfort and healing.

Quilts are distributed by congregation members serving on mission trips and through contacts in our local community.

No sewing experience is required to join.

All that's needed is a heart for service, fun, and fellowship.