Jesus' Focused Life - A Deeper Dive
Scripture: Matthew 22:15-22
Message Summary
This week, we continue our sermon series, Living Faithfully in a Polarized World, by examining how Jesus maintained focus on his identity and mission during his earthly ministry. In this message, we once again consider how Jesus did not conform to the world, and we build on last week’s theme of viewing the world based on a personal “looking glass.”
Jesus did not waver from his purpose. We know this from his response to the Pharisees about paying taxes and how he handled temptation during his 40 days in the wilderness. A clear sense of identity aligned with God’s will enables us to navigate life’s challenges without compromising our integrity.
You can find a link to the full video of this week’s message below. Here are some of the key points:
Jesus' response to the tax question - Again, this week, our scripture is the story of the Pharisees attempting to trap Jesus by asking about paying taxes to Caesar. Despite the Pharisees’ intent, Jesus responds wisely by acknowledging Caesar’s authority. At the same time, Jesus also emphasizes God's higher authority. He did not allow the situation to distract him from his identity and purpose.
Jesus’ temptations in the wilderness - In Matthew chapter 4, we read about the three temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness after his baptism. These temptations challenged Jesus' identity and mission, but he remained steadfast, anchored in his identity as the obedient Son of God. Jesus’ responses, rooted in scripture, reflect his complete trust in God and submission to God’s will.
Jesus' identity and mission - Jesus' clear sense of identity as the Son of God, pronounced at his baptism, enabled him to navigate his mission without succumbing to sin or becoming “of the world.” Jesus embodied his identity through his teachings, miracles, and ultimately, his sacrifice on the cross, remaining obedient to God's plan despite the challenges he faced.
We must continually consider what is at the center of our “looking glass.” Do our priorities keep God in the forefront, or do the temptations of the world get in the way? We must constantly align our identity with God's will, as Jesus did, to find true peace and strength to face life's challenges without compromising integrity.
The Devil Made Me Do It
In the 1970s, comedian Flip Willson popularized the catchphrase “The Devil made me do it.” A character he created for his stand-up act used the phrase to explain everything from frivolous spending to crashing the car: “It wasn’t me. The devil made me do it!”
How many of us blame temptations for distracting us from doing the things we ought to do? We blame social media, our phones, and other outside influences for our failures. We treat temptations - or the temptor - as having some mystical power to control our actions when, in reality, it comes down to choices. The temptations we face every day are persuasive and relentless - think advertising. Social pressures don’t help, either.
We can take comfort in knowing that God never tempts us. But, he may test us. Every teacher we’ve ever had tested us. Some teachers tested us to reinforce what we knew, while others tested us to try and trip us up on what we didn’t know. What kind of test giver is God?
Remember, too, that we have the perfect example of resisting temptation in Jesus. The Book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus experienced every temptation we face, yet he never sinned.
“15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.”
The story of Jesus being tempted by Satan, found in Matthew chapter 4, teaches us that scripture can guide us when faced with the challenge of making the right choice.
Temptation occurs when desire and opportunity come together. Think of every time you gave in to a temptation. It always happens at the intersection of desire and opportunity. So when you feel the desire to make the wrong choice, ask God to remove the opportunity. When you have the opportunity to make the wrong choice, ask God to take away the desire. Remember, God will always guide you to make the right choice and escape temptation.